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All news and novelties of LVG Legal, online lawyers (April/2024)

All news, novelties or promotions of LVG legal. Group of lawyers with offices in Monforte de Lemos, Ourense and Madrid. Online service in Spanish and English.

Inheritances: what is better to settle before death or wait for this to happen? 10 Apr

Inheritances: what is better to settle before death or wait for this to happen?

10/04/2024 Civil law

Inheritance is a topic that, sooner or later, affects us all. Whether as heirs, legatees or executors, we must be prepared for what may happen. There are people who like to leave everything tied up in advance, while others prefer not to know anything about wills before death occurs. What is more recommended? In this new blog entry from LVG Legal, a law firm with offices in Madrid, Ourense and Monforte , we give you the answer. Advantages of leaving the inheritance ready before death There are ...

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